Das amerikanische Genealogie Magazin “Family Tree Magazine” hatte im letzten Herbst aufgerufen die besten Genealogie Blogs zu wählen. Die Leser haben abgestimmt und in der nächsten Ausgabe (März 2010) werden die Gewinner abgedruckt.
Aber in unserer schnelllebigen Zeit gibt es natürlich die Top 40 Gewinner der ausschliesslich englischen Blogs schon im Blog vom Family Tree Magazine nachzulesen.
Viel Spaß beim durchstöbern – bestimmt auch einige für Deutsche interessante Blogs dabei!
- Creative Gene by Jasia Smasha
- footnoteMaven by footnoteMaven
- GeneaBloggers by Thomas MacEntee
- Genea-Musings by Randy Seaver
- The Association of Graveyard Rabbits by several authors
- Granite in My Blood by Midge Frazel
- Ancestry.com Blog by various authors
Genetic Genealogy
- The Genetic Genealogist by Blaine Bettinger
- George Geder by George Geder
- Scottish Genealogy News and Events by Chris Paton
- Small Leaved Shamrock by Lisa
- Steve’s Genealogy Blog by Stephen Danko
- Tracing the Tribe: The Jewish Genealogy Blog by Schelly Talalay Dardashti
- Family Matters by Denise Barrett Olson
- Genealogy Guys by George G. Morgan and Drew Smith
- Genealogy Tip of the Day by Michael John Neill
- The ProGenealogists Blog by various authors
Local & Regional
- California Genealogical Society and Library Blog by Kathryn Doyle
- Sandusky History by the staff of the Sandusky (Ohio) Library Archives Research Center
- Midwestern Microhistory by Harold Henderson
News & Resources
- The Ancestry Insider by theAncestry Insider
- DearMyrtle by Pat Richley-Erickson
- Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter by Dick Eastman
- GenealogyBlog by Leland Meitzler
Photos & Heirlooms
- The Family Curator by Denise Levenick
- Shades of the Departed by footnoteMaven
Personal & Family
- Ancestories: The Stories of My Ancestors by Miriam Midkiff
- Apple’s Tree by anonymous
- BeNotForgot by Vickie Everhart
- Educated Genealogist by Sheri Fenley
- Greta’s Genealogy Blog by Greta Koehl
- Heritage Happens by Cheryl Fleming Palmer
- Herstoryan by Herstoryan
- Janet the Researcher by Janet Iles
- Kinexxions by Becky Wiseman
- Little Bytes of Life by Elizabeth
- Our Georgia Roots by Luckie Daniels
- WeTree by Amy Coffin
- West in New England by Bill West
- What’s Past is Prologue by Donna Pointkouski
Mehr über die Blogs im Blog von FamilyTreeMagazine
Votes are in for the Family Tree Magazine 40 Best Genealogy Blogs. Come with us into a wonderful online world of family history news, research tips, encouragement and more.
I just can’t resist a good genealogy blog. I’ve learned some great research tips and techniques, chuckled over fellow family historians’ research foibles and sat in awe of beautiful ancestral tributes.
What started as a trickle of genealogy bloggers a few years ago is now a flood. Which is why, when we wanted to do an article about the best family history blogs, we needed your help. Last fall, we had a round of nominations, then voting , and we ended up with eight categories and 40 genealogy blogs our editors and readers highly recommend for your family history edification. That’s not to say, of course, that there aren’t other stellar blogs out there—see below for “runners-up” and blog finders. (Thanks to those who backed my Photo Detective blog, Family Tree Magazine’s Genealogy Insider blog, and the Genealogy Gems News blog from Family Tree Magazine Podcast producer Lisa Louise Cooke, but these weren’t eligible to win.)
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Gewinner!