von timokracke | Feb. 5, 2010 | Daily Blog, english articles, Genealogie allgemein, Publikationen
Last time I recommended you my first ever listened genealogy podcast from the Genealogy Guys – it was a pleasure to listen and I watched out for more genealogy in my ears :)
Today I would like to recommend you Genealogy Gems Podcast from Lisa Louise Cooke. I already listened to three episodes and it was lot of fun! Lisa has a nice style to talk about genealogy and her laugh bings me a smile of my face …
About Lisa:
Lisa Louise Cooke has been passionate about family history since she was a little girl sitting at her grandmother’s knee looking at old family scrapbooks. It’s a dream come true to have turned that passion into a career.
She is the producer and host of the Genealogy Gems Podcast, an audio and video genealogy show available in iTunes.
In addition, Lisa hosts the monthly Family Tree Magazine Podcast and videocasts for Family History Expos.
She is a national genealogy speaker, and author of the book Genealogy Gems: Ultimate Research Strategies as well as the Genealogy Gems News Blog.
Lisa has been happily married to her husband Bill for over two decades and is the proud mother of three beautiful daughters.
Source: http://www.genealogygems.tv/Pages/About.htm
Genealogy Gems Podcast
Website – Blog – iTunes
The current issue is no. 79 and is a live podcast from the FamilyHistory Expo in Mesa, AZ.
From Lisa’s Blog:
It was such a treat for us to take The Genealogy Gems Podcast on the road this last weekend to the Family History Expo in Mesa, Arizona. Recording from my studio is enjoyable and comfy, but can’t compare with doing the show in front of a live audience! What a blast! And it’s available for listening now!
Of course I had some terrific guests lined up for Episode 79 who lit up the stage. (Above Gena Philibert Ortega of Gena’s Genealogy Blog.) Gena inspired the audience to venture into the world of Genealogy Blogs by explaining what they are, how to find them, and how to subscribe. She even treated them to a photos posted moments before she took the stage which certainly conveyed the immediacy of blogging.
Then Thomas MacEntee of Geneabloggers delivered loads of fun and blogger beads…
von timokracke | Jan. 1, 2010 | Daily Blog, english articles
You speak english? You are genealogy addicted? You want to hear about new genealogy stuff? – You are predestined to get an sub on the Genealogy Guys Podcast!
The Genealogy Guys are George G. Morgan and Drew Smith and are the first who published a genealogy podcast. The Genealogy Guys are on air since september 2005! Last week I got my first copy of the podcast and enjoyed it on my iPhone … This podcast is a good way to hear the latest news of genealogy and relax by the way …
The Genealogy Guys
Website – facebook – iTunes Podcast
A sneak preview of episode 192 …
- Ancestry.com has released enhanced digital images of the U.S. federal censuses.
- The Library of Michigan crisis continues with a smaller budget, effectively coming out of the collection development budget, and an anticipated 20% budget cut in 2010-2011.
- The national Archives (TNA) of the UK has unveiled a new look and new address for its online educational services athttp://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education. There are more materials there, plus podcasts and booking access to videoconferences and virtual classes.
- The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) has uploaded the Ulster Street Directories (1819-1900) athttp://www.proni.gov.uk.
- The Irish Family History Foundation has released parish and statutory records transcriptions for County Londonderry at http://derry.brsgenealogy.com.
- Ancestral Atlas has released a collection of Irish Townland Maps at http://www.ancestralatlas.com.
von timokracke | Dez. 4, 2009 | Daily Blog, english articles, Genealogie allgemein
Heute gibt es mal wieder einen Hinweis auf Twitter und Genealogie.
Zum Follow Friday empfehle ich @genblogsDE !
genblogsDE – ist ein automatischer RSS-feed zu Twitter Feed, der über aktuelle Artikel in deutschen Genealogie Blogs berichtet. Zusammengefasst eine kompakte Informationsquelle über deutsche Genealogie Blogs. (mehr …)
von timokracke | Nov. 27, 2009 | Daily Blog, Genealogie allgemein
Andrea Bentschneider, aus Hamburg – wohl eine der ersten Genealogie Bloggerin aus Deutschland. In Zusammenarbeit mit Ancestry.de schreibt die seid 1990 mit der Genealogie verbundene Berufs-Genealogin über ihre Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen in der Genealogie.
Ein Blog der Spaß macht zu lesen, gerne mal über den Tellerrand schaut und nicht einfach nur Fakten präsentiert. Wie zum Beispiel dieser Auszug aus dem Artikel über Bildbearbeiteung zeigt …
Also auf dem einen Bild sitzt eine wilde Horde von Vorfahren, laut Rückseite eine Faschingsfeier bei Tante Gisela, um einen Tisch voll mit Flaschen und Gläsern. Schade eigentlich, dass es damals noch keine Videos gab, ich hätte meinen Eltern gerne mal ihre Jugendsünden vor Augen geführt.
Mir macht es immer wieder Spaß bei Andrea vorbei zu schauen …
Darum, gleich mal www.abenteuer-ahnenforschung.de zu den Favoriten hinzufügen!