Thomas MacEntee – The Genealogy Ninja, wie er sich selber nennt hat ein neues Projekt ins Leben gerufen. Bei Hack Genealogy geht es im Kern darum die Möglichkeiten zur Familienforschung zu erweitern, oder auch vorhandene Technologien dafür nutzbar zu machen und auch um das eine oder andere dazu zu lernen.
Thomas ist bereits durch die Seiten und bekannt und ist immer für spannende Überraschungen und Infos bekannt!
Thomas MacEntee is a genealogy professional specializing in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogy research and as a way to connect with others in the family history community.
When he’s not busy writing blog posts, organizing the 3,000+ members of GeneaBloggers, teaching online genealogy webinars and more, Thomas MacEntee is busy in his role as “genealogy ninja.” Stealth is not easy, but he manages to get the inside track on emerging technologies and vendors as they relate to the genealogy industry. After being laid off from a 25-year career in the tech industry in 2008, Thomas has been able to “repurpose” his skill set for the genealogy community and loves to see other genealogists succeed, whether it is with their own research or building their own careers in the field.
Viel Spaß beim lesen des Mac Gyver der Genealogie :)
About Hack Genealogy
Hack Genealogy is about “re-purposing today’s technology for tomorrow’s genealogy” and a little bit more. The genealogy community has historically lagged behind other communities and industries in the way in which it embraces technology to advance their work. Hack Genealogy is more than just a list of resources. Hack Genealogy provides information on emerging technology inside and outside the genealogy industry. Hack Genealogy wants readers to understand how others are using technology to succeed.
The hacking of genealogy doesn’t always have to involve high tech . . . it could involve something as “old school” as creating a better filing system for genealogy-related documents or what to pack for a genealogy research trip. Each and every day, genealogists are finding new and innovative ways to pursue their family history passion whether it involves a Smartphone or just smart thinking.
Hack Genealogy is about sharing technology resources, discussing our personal interactions with technology, and moving the entire genealogy community forward in terms of how it embraces technology.
Hack Genealogy is not merely about surviving . . . Hack Genealogy is about success and genealogical success in its many facets.