Über einen Genealogie.Blog bin ich heute zufällig auf GenDisasters gekommen und habe einen Bericht über eine Kracke Familie gefunden.
Ich selber habe keinen Verbindungen, aber evtl. nutzt es ja mal jemanden. Würde mich freuen, dann eine kurze Information zu bekommen! Und für alle die Lust haben auch mal zu schauen: http://www3.gendisasters.com/
Winton, OH Train Wreck, Jul 1883
Posted July 22nd, 2008 by Stu Beitler
A Whole Family Killed.
CINCINNATI, July 3. — A fatal accident occurred to-day on the Cincinnati & Dayton railroad at Winton, a place of crossing near this city, at 9:15 to-night. Six persons were killed. The “Thunderbolt” express coming south on the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio railway due here at 8:30 was half an hour late, and running fast. It struck a huckster wagon in which was a family of six persons besides the driver. Everyone except WILLIAM BERTSCH, the driver, was killed. BERTSCH escaped with serious injuries. The wagon was broken to splinters. The family was that of a huckster named HENRY KRACKE, going to their farm, seven miles out. The names of the killed are HENRY KRACKE, his wife and four children, JOHN, aged 10, ANNIE 16, MAGGIE 12, and LIZZIE 7.
The bodies of the victims were thrown in fragments by the roadside. MRS. KRACKE’S head was severed from her body. All the victims were horribly mutilated. The locomotive was so besmeared with blood that it was sprinkled with flour to cover the stains.
Davenport Weekly Gazette Iowa 1883-07-04Source: http://www3.gendisasters.com/ohio/7914/winton-oh-train-wreck-jul-1883
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Today I visited some genealogy-blogs and from some links I came to GenDisasters where I found an interesting report about a Kracke family.
I don’t have any connections to this family – but maybe somebody would enjoy to have this informations? Would be great to hear from you if you make an match! Interested to search on your own: http://www3.gendisasters.com/
Winton, OH Train Wreck, Jul 1883
Posted July 22nd, 2008 by Stu Beitler
A Whole Family Killed.
CINCINNATI, July 3. — A fatal accident occurred to-day on the Cincinnati & Dayton railroad at Winton, a place of crossing near this city, at 9:15 to-night. Six persons were killed. The “Thunderbolt” express coming south on the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio railway due here at 8:30 was half an hour late, and running fast. It struck a huckster wagon in which was a family of six persons besides the driver. Everyone except WILLIAM BERTSCH, the driver, was killed. BERTSCH escaped with serious injuries. The wagon was broken to splinters. The family was that of a huckster named HENRY KRACKE, going to their farm, seven miles out. The names of the killed are HENRY KRACKE, his wife and four children, JOHN, aged 10, ANNIE 16, MAGGIE 12, and LIZZIE 7.
The bodies of the victims were thrown in fragments by the roadside. MRS. KRACKE’S head was severed from her body. All the victims were horribly mutilated. The locomotive was so besmeared with blood that it was sprinkled with flour to cover the stains.
Davenport Weekly Gazette Iowa 1883-07-04Source: http://www3.gendisasters.com/ohio/7914/winton-oh-train-wreck-jul-1883