A lot to discover in Genealogy-Germany

A lot to discover in Genealogy-Germany

Did you know that there is a lot to discover in good old Germany? Many US citizens have german ancestry and need to research in the Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Germany).

There is much to know if you are trying to research in Germany. The primary sources are church books with many, many secondary sources next to the church books. Following is an overview of some online resources to start your research before you come over and visit the country of your ancestors …

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How to Use Evernote for Genealogical Research

Evernote ist ein wirklich tolles Tool, dass ich bereits einige Zeit für Kleinigkeiten im Einsatz habe. Vor kurzem habe ich einen interessanten Artikel im englisch-sprachigem Blog von Evernote.com über den Einsatz von Evernote für Genealogie gelesen.

Sehr interessanter Ansatz für eine gute, kostenlose Software.


Viel Spaß beim lesen …

Peter & Anna Novak, USA || A success story

What a great story!
In June 2007 I started my first research on the branch of Erwin Nowak, my biological grandfather. I don’t know much about him, but I collected my first hints from my grandmother Hilde, the city of Delmenhorst and later his sister Gabi.

Erwin has two more children, wich are born in the US. Peter and Anna Novak. I want to find them … (mehr …)

What I do || A Mac Genealogist

Thomas MacEntee of geneabloggers.com started with a new meme – a nice idea and so I will participate with him and a couple of other geneabloggers too.

officeI’ve started a new meme today and I’m hoping the genealogy blogging community will pick it up since I feel the knowledge that it can impart and share with the community is important.

The meme: called What I Do and you basically list what you use in terms of technology to either run your genealogy business or pursue your family history as a hobby.

Why is this important?  Very often – especially if you work at home like me – we operate in a vacuum.  We have no idea what other people are using unless they mention it in an email or a blog post.  Or we have to ask for a recommendation.

So take a look.  Copy and use the list below if you want to participate at your blog.  Use the words “What I Do” in the post title and I’ll list it here:

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Hochzeit Gottwald & Schneider (1937) (Wordless Wednesday)

Hochzeit – Gertrud Gottwald & Bernhard Schneider

hinten, v.l.n.r.
NN, Paul Elsner, NN, Martha Elsner, NN, Elisabeth Schäfer, Theo Conziora, Lenchen Gottwald, NN, Lenchen Berger, ? Thienel, NN, Hedwig Gottwald, ? Thienel, Maria Kordon, Karl Gottwald, NN, Josef Schneider, Maria Bönisch und August Bönisch

Brautleute v.l.n.r.
August & Maria Schneider, Gertrud & Bernhard Schneider und Berta & Karl Gottwald

davor v.l.n.r.
Angela Bönisch, Norbert & Heinz Elsner, NN